When Is The Best Time to Visit the Azores Islands?!

best time to visit the azores islands

This evergreen paradise is well-known for its unpredictable weather. The weather on the Azores islands can change in minutes and from a sunny warm weather to turn into a rainstorm. Thus, it is of utmost importance to find out when is the best time to visit the Azores.

Nevertheless, knowing when is the best time to visit Azores islands is not only in terms of weather. There are best times to visit the islands in terms of various water activities, hiking, festivals, high and low seasons and even transportation. Thus, I have created this detailed blog post on the best time go to Azores on various interests you might have 🏞️…

Weather in the Azores Islands

The weather in the Azores islands is hardly predictable, which should be taken into consideration. Of course, that does not mean that there are extreme temperature amplitudes. However, it is a well-known fact that you can experience 4 different seasons in a day there 🌈…

It is also good to point out that sunny days on the Azores islands can be quite rare. This is due to the overcast that is usually layered out over the islands. Sometimes it can last for days, unless there are strong winds to push it away 💨…

Temperature in the Azores Islands

During the winter months the temperature can get as low as 10ºC, whilst in the summer it can get up to 25ºC. However, the yearly average temperature in the Azores islands is 17ºC, but due to the high percentage of humidity it can feel a lot hotter 🥵

Luckily, the Azores islands do not experience any heat or cold waves due to their remoteness from the continents.

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Rainfall in the Azores Islands

The Azores islands are well-known for their occasional rainfalls and overcast. Thus, it is good to do your research before visiting the Azores islands so that you can avoid staying inside most of the time. Usually, rainfall can last for days during autumn and winter months, so the best option for visiting would be spring and summer. Ideally, during the months of June to August. However, there is an exception even to these months as well.

Nevertheless, we have to be grateful for the frequent rainfall in the Azores islands, as this is what keeps everything green and fresh. Without the frequent rainfalls, this paradise would probably look in a totally different way.

Sunshine in the Azores islands

The Azores islands are bound to be islands full of mystery. Thus, you can’t expect lots of sun while on the Azores islands. Especially, if you are visiting during the rainy season which lasts for around 3 seasons. The best option in terms of sunshine would be the summer, which lasts from June until August.

Sea Temperature in the Azores Islands

When it comes to dipping in the ocean, you have to consider the fact that it might be quite cold. Thus, you will have to prepare yourself for the embrace of the cold ocean. Unless, you decide to visit the Azores islands during the summer months, when it is quite warm.

Azores Weather by Month

January – February

During the months of January and February, you can expect lots of rainfall, cold oceanic breeze and overcast. These are the wettest and coldest months in the Azores islands.

March – April

The weather in Azores in March tends to be still harsh, but somewhat pleasant with less rainy days and more sunshine. Weather in Azores in April is even better and considered to be a good month for travelling to the Azores islands.

May – June

The Azores weather in May is one of the best months to visit the Azores islands. Azores in May are somewhat warmer, shinier and more welcoming than ever. That doesn’t mean that the weather in June is bad. Exactly the opposite, the weather from the month of May gets warmer by the day🌞

July – August

July and August are considered to be the best months for travelling around the Azores islands. They are the hottest and sunniest months of the year, promising you a perfect vacation 😌

September – October

The Azores weather in September becomes quite colder and the sunny hours are less. However, September is still considered to be a good time to visit the Azores islands. On the contrary, the Azores weather in October is known to be quite windier with lots of rain storms. Thus, it is not considered to be the best time to explore the islands.

November – December

Well, unless you plan to celebrate Christmas and New Year in the Azores islands, November and December are not recommended as good months for visit. Azores in December are the coldest, wettest and rainiest with the least sunny days. In addition to that, there are heavy storms and hurricanes swirling around the islands which can be quite harsh for the islanders.

Santa Iria Viewpoint in Sao Miguel

Best Time To Visit The Azores

Having in mind what you have read so far, you should be pretty familiar with the weather in the Azores now. You can expect foggy, rainy, stormy days and sunny days too. Unfortunately, the weather in the Azores is quite unpredictable, which makes it hard to decide when to visit. Nevertheless, it is not a constant. Thus, you can expect everything in each and every month. Visiting in June won’t save you from occasional rain or storms. Visiting in October might surprise you with lots of sunny days and no rain if you are lucky.

In conclusion, the best time to visit the Azores is definitely during the months of May, June, July, August and September. During these months, the weather is warm, there is less rainfall, lots of sunshine and it is the best time for water sports.

High and Low Season in The Azores Islands

Although the Azores islands are not as popular as the Canary islands, Madeira or Cape Verde, they still do receive lots of attention from tourists. However, the good thing about the Azores islands is that they are not as crowded as the rest of the island groups.

Nevertheless, recently, the Azores islands are welcoming more and more tourists to its shores. Especially, during the high season, from June until August, the islands can be packed with people everywhere. During the high season in the Azores islands, there are fewer accommodation options, as well as fewer cars to rent and prices are higher.

Thus, if you don’t mind a bit of wind and rain, and want to travel on a budget, you can go to the Azores islands in May and September. The weather is still quite nice, it is less crowded and there is plenty of choice of places to stay!

Pricing in The Azores Islands

The high season in the Azores islands can be quite harsh on your pockets. At this point in time, everything is quite expensive and there is definitely scarcity in terms of choice. Let’s be real! The Azores islands are small islands in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. They can welcome and accommodate a certain amount of people on their shores.

Since there is usually scarcity during the high season of accommodation, prices tend to rise. If you do your research you will find out that the prices are 20-30% higher than during the prices in low season.

Having that in mind, it is always good to book your accommodation in advance!

Inter-Island Connections

Getting to the Azores islands is not as easy as getting to the other island groups like the Canary islands or Madeira. The Azores islands are quite remote from the mainland of Portugal and the weather up there can change every second. However, there are two ways to get to the or in-between the islands – by flying or by a boat.

Inter-Island Flights

There are very few options to get to the Azores in terms of places of departure and companies that have flights to the islands. The most well-known companies that fly to the Azores islands are SATA Air Acores, TAP Portugal, SATA International, Air Berlin, EasyJet and Ryanair. Most of them provide flights from mainland Portugal to the Azores islands. Rarely, there are flights from other cities in Europe to the islands, which makes them quite hard to reach.

When it comes to island hopping, you can rely on SATA Azores, which is a local airline company. However, you have to be prepared to pay quite a sum sometimes to be able to board the flight.

Nevertheless, if you are lucky, you might be eligible to receive a free flight if you just arrived in one of the Azores Islands, but would like to go to another 🏝️

However, if you are travelling to the Azores islands from the United States, the only option is to use the services of SATA Azores.

Boat Connections in the Azores islands

Although, there are flights in-between the Azores islands, you can always opt for a ferry ride, as it is cheaper. The ferry rides in-between the Azores islands operate mainly during the warmer seasons, as the ocean can become quite harsh during the winter.

Thus, you can expect to be able to use the ferry services during the period from June until September. The ferries are operated by Atlantico Line, which is a local transport company.

Whale watching Ponta Delgada

Whale-Watching in The Azores Islands

The Azores islands are a great destination when it comes to water sports and more specifically – whale watching trip!

If you are a fan of sea creatures, the Azores islands will surprise you pleasantly. The location of the islands makes them one of the most favourite spots for whales and dolphins during their breeding season. That’s why it is so natural to go on a boat trip in the Atlantic Ocean and swim with some of these might giants. Some of the most spectacular creatures you can see are Sperm whale and Blue whale and the Bottlenose dolphin. Along with that you can spot lots of sea turtles, some of them as huge as you! However, be careful of the Man o’ war! That creature is not to be touched, but to be feared!

In order to see as many sea mammals as possible, the best time to visit the Azores islands for whale watching would be between April and August. During that period, you are guaranteed to see lots of these mighty giants!

Water Sports in The Azores Islands

When it comes to water sports – the Azores islands have plenty of options to try and master! Whether you would like to dive in the Atlantic Ocean or go surfing, you will have a chance to try it all!

Surfing In The Azores

Well, the Azores islands are quite known to be a surfing spot for many enthusiasts. That’s no surprise as the Atlantic Ocean offers prefect waves for that type of activities. Plus, the Azores islands have quite a few beaches where you can learn and master the surfing.

However, it is good to consider the fact that the water can be quite cold during most of the months. Having this in mind, the best time to visit the Azores islands for surfing would be from June until the end of September. The best places to go surfing in the Azores are on São Miguel island and São Jorge island.

Diving In The Azores

Diving is one of the best things to do in the Azores islands. Especially, if you are not afraid of depths and underwater cave explorations. If you are only starting with diving you can find pretty decent lessons on how to do it. However, if you are experience and want to try something more extreme you can go exploring shipwrecks, caves and underwater volcanos on Pico island.

The best spots for diving in the Azores are on Pico, Santa Maria and Faial island. whilst the best time to visit the Azores islands for diving is in the summer season (June – October).

Kayaking and Canoeing in The Azores

If you prefer water sports that are not so extreme, you can opt for kayaking and canoeing. However, this does not mean you should not be psychically prepared. You should be psychically active, so you don’t end up in the middle of a lake unable to move.

Azores islands water sports

Canyoning In The Azores

Amongst the Azores islands, the best island to go canyoning in Flores island. The island is known to have quite a few small rivers which can be used for this purpose.

However, it is good to note that this type of water sport should be done with a group and under the guidance of the local experts.

Coasteering In The Azores

If you have been rock climbing before, this might be for you! The only difference is that if you fall, you fall into the water 🌊 The good part of the coasteering is that you get to explora caves, inlets and lots of weird creatures living there!

The best time to do coasteering would be during the summer when the weather is nice and the water is warm.

Outdoor Activities in The Azores Islands

If you are not a thalassophile (sea lover) you can opt for some other outdoor activities that does not require you to be in the water constantly. The Azores islands have plenty to offer in terms of outdoor activities and guarantee that you will be entertained all the time!

Hiking in the Azores islands

My favourite way to explore a place is by hiking. That is why I love the Azores islands so much! They offer plenty of hiking trails to explore and which usually lead you to some enchanting places 🌲

The best time to be hiking the Azores islands would be from late spring until the end of summer. That way you will avoid rainstorms and getting soaking wet 🌦️

Camping in the Azores islands

Camping in the Azores Islands is also another outdoor activity that I would highly suggest for you to try!

Some of the best campsites in the Azores are the Sete Cidades Campsite, Furnas Campsite and Biscoitos Camping Park. If you want to find out the rest of the camping sites in the Azores islands you can follow this page.

Biking in the Azores islands

Biking is probably one of the best ways to explore the islands. It is eco-friendly, does not require lots of sweat and gives you freedom. Thus, if you want to explore the islands in a different way, the bike is definitely your thing.

The best time to bike around the Azores islands is from April until October when it is not raining so much. During these months you will avoid getting stuck with your bike on remote lands 🚵🏻

Birdwatching in the Azores islands

Birdwatching in the Azores islands is a unique way to explore the islands and learn more about them. There are more than 400 species living on the islands along with a couple of bird species found only on the islands.

If you want to explore the fauna of the islands it is best to head to Sao Miguel island, Graciosa, Corvo or Flores. The best month for birdwatching is October when most of the bird species are occupying the islands. 

best time to go azores

Paragliding in the Azores islands

If you would like to experience the Azores islands from birds-eye view, you should definitely consider paragliding. To be more specific, it is best to try paragliding during the summer months when the weather is pleasant. The best locations for paragliding in the Azores islands are over the Furnas and Sete Cidades volcano craters in Sao Miguel island.

Read More About the Azores Islands:

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